I'm Megan, a senior at Susquehanna University. My hope is that this blog will cover my four years here, from the firsts to the lasts.

In college, you learn how to learn. Four years is not too much time to spend at that." - Mary Oliver

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wrapping Up

Including today, I have 11 days left on campus. I have often pontificated on this blog about how fast everything seems and how the year is practically over already, probably in an exaggerated fashion. Now it’s a reality. The year is almost over, and these next 11 days are a matter of wrapping things up.

Tonight I’ll be completing my last paper assignments for two of my courses, Sociology and Applied Biblical Ethics. For Sociology, I am writing an ethnography, basically a study on a society, based off the movie Shawshank Redemption. For Applied Biblical Ethics, I have to write a reflection on our final action assignment, which was to take a 24-hour period to live more deliberately—to live “unplugged” from media technology. I failed pretty miserably at it.  After these are turned in, I’ll only have exams left for these two classes.

I have one 5 page paper left for my Romantic Novels course which I have until May 7th to write.  The biggest thing left to do is my portfolio for Intro to Nonfiction. Last semester I was very intense about my fiction portfolio. I did lengthy rewrites in a very short span of time (gah procrastination!).  Basically, by the end of it, I was a creatively drained portfolio zombie. I hope that prepping my nonfiction portfolio is not as huge of an undertaking.

One way I want to wrap up the year is with a final excursion to the used bookstore downtown. Yesterday, during my attempted 24-hour sans media, friends and I took a walk downtown. 3 of us were wearing jeans. A mistake since it was really, really hot during our walk. Unfortunately the bookstore was closed by that time, but we were able to stop in at The Kind CafĂ© and pick up drinks. I got a delicious strawberry-banana smoothie which I enjoyed as we sat outside. Friday the bookstore is opened later, so we’ll probably go then.

I’m looking forward to this upcoming weekend.  It’s basically our final weekend and is Spring Weekend here at SU. There are going to be different events, like a carnival and a circus party at TRAX. I’m not sure which events I’ll actually be attending, but I do know that I want to have a fun weekend with my friends before summer, even if we just end up staying inside and watching movies!

Speaking of summer, a part of wrapping up the school year is prepping for break.  For me and a lot of people, one aspect of prepping is finding a job.  I filled out lots of applications over Easter Break.  I haven’t been hired yet, but I am hoping something will pop up.  I also plan to do lots of writing this summer—finally, not for class!—as well as reading. And of course, hanging out a ton with my friends from home.

Oh yeah, and missing SU.     

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