Here are some highlights of this week:
- Monday I had a service project with Alpha Phi Omega at a community center where I got to play with kids. I hadn't been in the best mood all day, but I really enjoyed myself when I was there. I am signed up to go back soon.
- Tuesday I had my short story workshopped in Intermediate Fiction, which is always fairly interesting--and, you know, nervewracking.
- I did another service project Tuesday as well. Alpha Phi Omega is organizing a clothing drive as its big project for this semester, and I was helping distribute flyers. It was a lot of fun, and I'm going to do more flyer distribution on Sunday. Also--the houses we were delivering flyers to were absolutely gorgeous! They were so fancy, I really wonder how expensive they were.
- Wednesday, in Thought & the Natural Sciences, we went on a field trip. Our class trekked up the side of a hill--I'd call it a mountain--on the side of a highway to look at rocks from the Duvonian era. I'll admit, I didn't know too much about the rocks but it was kind of fun breaking them apart. Also, I was very glad that I had decided to wear rain boots. Some girls were wearing flats and skirts, and they looked absolutely miserable.
- Thursday one of SU's visiting writers, James Galvin, spoke to my Intermediate Fiction class. Galvin identifies as a poet but his prose book, The Meadow, is well-known. It's always interesting to see the person behind a book you've been reading. The formation of The Meadow was especially intriguing. Galvin was writing about the real people and lifestyle he knew to capture it for his then 4-year-old daughter, who would not really ever get to know those people, that way of life, or the land as it had been for Galvin growing up. I've heard this kind of idea before--writing for a very particular person--and it's still one I'd like to really try.
- In Hebrew Bible on Thursday, I got my group and topic for the final project. I am very excited that my group will be presenting on the sages. Sages are basically wisemen, responsible for books in the Bible like Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
- InterVaristy's large group meeting--this week, about friendship--made my Thursday night awesome, as always!
- I've decided on my topic for my final, 12 page grammar paper. I'll be looking at the grammatical differences between the King James Version of the Bible and newer versions using more modern language, such as the New International Version, and I'll be arguing about which is more effective rhetorically. It was very hard to choose between this idea and analyzing the grammar in Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese, which I love!
- I wrote a short-short last night. I have some little tweaks to do before I send it out. I'm not actually sure how good it is, but I had fun writing it.
- Registration is approaching for next semester. Actually, classes and times come out today. I am still majorly flip-flopping on whether or not I want to double major in Creative Writing and Religion. I would really like to make the decision before next semester, though.