It's the last week of classes, and finals are almost here! This week I need to get a lot of work done on my final papers. Tonight in particular, I need to make progress on one of my papers because I have a conference with my professor about it tomorrow. This paper is for Aesthetics & Interpretation and is about the sitcom
Seinfeld and its intersection with Aristotle's thought son comedy. It's been a lot harder to get started than I anticipated. I will also be getting a final exam for this class soon, but it will probably be a take-home, essay type of final.
My other final paper is for Luther: Life & Thought. It's due later than my other final paper so I'll admit it's been on the backburner. I think, once I have really got my thesis tacked down on this, it'll be a lot easier than my Aesthetics paper. I've actually enjoyed doing the research for it and feel as if I have a lot to draw on already, though I do need research in some more areas now that I've made my topic more specific. My paper has a lot to do with pre-Reformation figures--people who came before Luther--and how their thoughts and theologies paved the way for Luther's more revolutionary ideas.
My only "traditonal" exam, having multiple choice, short answer, essays, etc., is in my Asian Religions class, so I'll have to start reviewing for that shortly. I felt like I had a much better understanding and more interest in the first half of the semester, which focused on Hinduism and Buddishm, than this half of the semester, which has focused on Confucianism, Daoism, Zen, Chinese Buddihism, etc.
For Poetry, I need to turn in a final portfolio. I'll be conferencing with my Poetry professor on Thursday and getting feedback on a lot of poems I've turned in this half of the semester. After that, I feel like I'll have a better vision of which poems I want to work on and how much work they'll need.
Overall, I have a good number of things to accomplish before the end of the semester, but I'm not at the point where I'd say it's an
overwhelming amount. I am confident in my ability to get all these things done--while still managing to eat meals, not spending all my time in the library, and not going crazy. During mid-terms and finals times, I always feel like I'm generally less stressed than a lot of other people I know. It makes me wonder if I should be more stressed, and it does make me feel a bit guilty. Even so, I'm going to look at it as a fortunate thing!
There's work to get done...and get done, it will!