I'm Megan, a senior at Susquehanna University. My hope is that this blog will cover my four years here, from the firsts to the lasts.

In college, you learn how to learn. Four years is not too much time to spend at that." - Mary Oliver

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Scholar's House: Plans for Next Year

After much thinking and analyzing and generally freaking out, I have landed upon a tentative plan for my living arrangements this year.  Ideally, I’d like to live in the Scholar's House.  The Scholar's House is a small living environment that houses about 23 people.  To live at the Scholars House, you have to be embarking on a personal project, somewhat academic in nature.  Getting into the Scholar's House is not based solely on lottery numbers, like it is for groups to get a place together or for two roommates to find a double.  Rather, there’s an application process to get into the house, and your project idea is reviewed. 

A few posts back, I talked about how I want to do my sophomore essay about representation of faith in Young Adult literature.  My project idea goes hand-in-hand with this.  Ultimately what I want to do as a writer is write novels, and in fact, those were the type of things I worked on before I came to Susquehanna.  This year I think I’ve made strides in my writing, but my only significant completed pieces have been for my Creative Writing classes.  Next year I really need to be working on a novel, and making it my project would ensure that I’d set aside that time for writing.  Also, I would like to start up another blog about Faith and Fiction that would provide reviews of novels that include or speak to faith, particularly those involving teenagers.

I am very excited about this idea and also about the environment of the Scholar's House.  Two of my friends are also applying, but I would still have a chance to meet new people.  Also, I love Hassinger which is a small environment (though not nearly as small as the Scholars House) so hopefully I would enjoy a small environment again.  Additionally, I’m actually looking forward to the idea of a single.  At first this wasn’t all that appealing to me, but I’m beginning to realize the benefits—one being that at the Scholar's House, I can try the single experience and it doesn’t cost me an extra $1000 like the rest of the singles on campus.

The applications are due March 18th, and I should find out if I get in the following week.  Depending on the result of who does or does not get into the Scholar's House, back-up plans might mean I'll end up in a triple, which is a room that is bigger than average and specifically designed for 3 people (Hopefully, this would be in West Hall.) or in a double.   Hopefully whatever happens will work out for the best!  

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