Deciding living arrangements for the upcoming year, however, has a lot more choice involved.
A singular roommate is not all that must be considered. I have a whole group of friends, and all of us must work out who is living with who, and who is living by who, and where it is we’re going to live. Nobody really cared about my choice of living arrangements coming into this year, besides my roommate and of course my interested parents, but now there’s a bit more to juggle. What I and my friends pick will impact each other and will contribute to the shaping of our sophomore years.
Personally, I like West Village a lot for the kitchens and the layout with the common area. I stayed there during my second summer that I attended a writing workshop and was very impressed, though the toilets flush scarily loud. However, I would really like to live in Seibert, though I’ve yet to go inside any of its dorm rooms. I suppose I’ve fallen for its charm. Just as I’ve always been impressed with the cuteness of Hassinger Hall, I’ve always appreciated the beauty of Seibert, which happens to be a historical landmark. Additionally, the student rooms have carpeting. And I stumbled upon the atrium lounge when I got lost once (yes, I am an embarrassing freshman) and it just looked so cool. At the same time, I shouldn’t limit myself to these options because I haven’t even stepped into some of the other residences.
As I look to this future, I’m aware of how much I’ll miss Hass. Living there comes with ups and downs, like any place does. One major down: the lengthy treks to the campus center, Deg. No matter any downs though, even those to come, it’s still sad that I’ll never be able to experience this particular environment ever again—the environment of my (so far) really awesome first year of college.